May. 14, 2018

EuroWheat has stressed the importance of implementing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies in wheat as fungicide resistance continues to develop across the continent, raising concerns about the impact of Septoria tritici blotch (STB) on yields.
The European knowledge hub on wheat reports: “New data on CYP51 mutations related to fungicide resistance in Europe is now available. The continuing development in fungicide resistance emphasises the need to implement IPM strategies including anti-resistance principles such as the use of appropriate doses, alteration between different modes of action and mixtures, and reducing the total number of treatments per season to a minimum.”
EuroWheat has provided an update on fungicide efficacy for the control of STB noting that succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHI) “are the only fungicides left that efficiently control Septoria, but based on the mode of action, the risk of pathogen resistance development is high.”
It adds: “SDHIs remained highly active against Septoria in most parts of Europe. Ireland has seen lower efficacy from SDHI product in field trials and there is increasing evidence of mutant strains with reduced sensitivity (e.g. C-T79N. C-H152R). Septoria isolates with reduced sensitivity to SDHIs are now believed to be widespread in the UK and Ireland (AHDB conference 2017). Research, funded by AHDB in UK and fungicide manufacturers demonstrates clearly that resistance development and spread can be slowed down through good management.”
EuroWheat provides links to recent papers on fungicides and resistance strategies, in addition to a link to the UK’s recommendations for anti-resistance strategies, which are considered applicable for all of Europe. In addition, it offers access to its interactive mapping tool (updated for 2017) monitoring the distribution and evolution of fungicide resistance.
For more information:
Visit the EuroWheat home page
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