Mar. 16, 2018

In mid-March this year, FarmHannong is planning to present a new rice herbicide in Japan, based on its patent A.I Metamifop an aryloxyphenoxypropionate (AOPP) inhibitor. Product will be launched with a brand name called TODOME MF by FarmHannong’s local partner, Kaken.
TODOME MF was approved for use in rice by MAFF through its registration holder Kaken last year. It will be launched in two formulations (4.9% EC and 1.35% GR) as a grass weed rescue treatment. For the coming launch, FarmHannong and Kaken are preparing extensive co-promotion activities such as exhibition field trials in many locations in Japan.
Through many trial results in Japan, TODOME MF showed high efficacy against 5~6 leaf stage grass weeds at recommended dosage with excellent crop safety. Especially, it also has residual efficacy for about 2 weeks and rapid killing speed comparing to competitive product, so it is expected to help farmers weed control considerably.
In addition to these 2 products, Kaken is developing Mixed formulations of wider spectrum which can control many types of weeds at the same time. Those premixes could be rolled out within the next three years.
On commemorating launch, Farmhannong’s vice-president Mr. Jeff Kwon said, "FarmHannong believes that this new herbicide launch can contribute to the improvement in effective rice production and brings Farmhannong another step closer to become a global biotechnology company”.
MAFF=Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
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