RiceTec rice seed officially went on sale this week offering rice growers the opportunity to purchase the highest-yielding long grain rice seed on the market. RiceTec also announced the return of volume discounts and loyalty programs for customers.
“We were able to increase seed supplies for 2018, but with a forecasted increase of rice acres and two years of unmet seed demand, supplies will still be tight, particularly on some of the most popular hybrids such as the newest releases RT7311 CL and Gemini 214 CL,” reported Van McNeely, Director of Sales for RiceTec. “We are excited to see XP753 preforming as our highest-yielding commercial product since its release. It also broke some yield records this year in customers’ fields, as well as in trials, so I expect it to be a hot product this year.”
The consistency and reliability of yield hold steady in RiceTec’s 2018 product line-up that includes eight seed options; three conventional products: XL723, XP753 and XP760, and five herbicide-tolerant products: CL XL729, CL XL745, CL XP4534, RT7311 CL, and Gemini 214 CL.
Sustainable farming traits have become a trend over the past few years and evermore growing in popularity in 2017. RiceTec’s Smart Rice combines high yield advantage hybrid seeds with sustainable farming practices that are helping farmers be successful.
“In 2017, some rice farmers were able to sell carbon credits into the carbon exchange market by combining sustainable rice production practices along with Smart Rice hybrids. When putting these two things together, a grower can generate the most sustainable production possible,” said Dr. Brian Ottis, RiceTec Global Development Lead. “As these markets develop, there may be additional opportunities for rice farmers who adopt these practices to generate additional income on top of the benefits they already get by growing RiceTec hybrids.”
In addition to its quality seed offerings, RiceTec presents customer loyalty rebates for the full-season, meaning it applies to fall and spring seed purchases. Customers do however need to register by February 15, 2018. To qualify for the loyalty rebate, growers must plant 90% of their long-grain acres with RiceTec hybrids and submit their 2018 FSA-578 form by August 1, 2018.
Growers also have the potential to earn up to a 5% discount by reaching the maximum volume discount of more than 700 units. Purchases between 200 and 699 Units are still eligible for discounts from 1.5-3% and fall purchases are encouraged to ensure availability.
Lastly, RiceTec designed its 2017 Replant Policy to provide RiceTec seed customers a replant credit in the event a customer does not get an adequate initial stand on his/her RiceTec rice acreage. RiceTec customers will be offered a 50 percent replant opportunity on any RiceTec rice seed under specific conditions detailed by a RiceTec representative or listed on the website here.
“Stability is the key word to describe RiceTec hybrid products,” said McNeely. “2017 was another tough year for growers with widespread flooding and storms, but based on customer feedback and trial data, RiceTec hybrids held up far better than varieties again in 2017. The superior yield potential and stability across adverse environments translates into improved economic returns and drives seed demand.”