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Crystal launches five crop saving products in Indiaqrcode

Jul. 21, 2017

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Jul. 21, 2017
Agrochemical firm Crystal Crop Protection today launched five products in India that aim at protecting crops and improving yields.

These products are Apex-50, Abacin, Azotrix, Toggle Plus and Crystorihiza, it said in a statement.

“They are extremely effective and affordable and will help farmers protect their crop and improve yield,” Managing Director Ankur Agarwal said.

Apex-50 is an insecticide for control of caterpillars and mites, the patent of which is under consideration.

Abacin will help farmers control the menace of mites, especially in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana and Punjab.

While Toggle Plus is a bio-stimulant, Azotrix is for controlling blast infestation in paddy crop. Crystorihiza is a soil conditioner that can be used on all crops.

Last year, the company had unveiled seven products.

Source: India.com


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