Apr. 10, 2017

There’s a new app to help farmers decide when to spray their fields. Pocket Spray Smart is a free iOS app made by Agrible. It works with Agrible’s Morning Farm Report® software, which helps farmers plan everything from nitrogen use, to when they can get equipment in the fields, to what to expect for yields.
Agrible’s Spray Smart technology in Morning Farm Report shows a farmer what the conditions look like hour by hour for spraying up to three days in advance. It shows hourly wind speed and direction, timing and duration of temperature inversions that could impact spraying, and whether the soil will support equipment. Farmers can see all of that for each field in their operation. Now with Pocket Spray Smart, farmers have all of that information on location and in the palm of their hand to confidently decide when to spray to reduce off-target movement of herbicides.
“Spray Smart is really going to make a big play moving forward, especially with the new release of dicamba products in soybeans and having to log all your spraying information,” said Kris Ehler of Ehler Farms, Thomasboro, Illinois.
Agrible’s Pocket Spray Smart™ app expands the features in a user’s Morning Farm Report account which provide field-level insights so growers can make the most informed decisions possible. The app is free and all features are unlocked with a 2017 Grower AgriBundle, which is available free for those in Agrible’s sustainable yield program or working with ADM merchandisers. It’s all part of Agrible’s mission to help growers add value to their operations.
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