Dow AgroSciences, a subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, received a 2009 Michigan Green Chemistry Governors Award at an inaugural event held at the Detroit Institute of Arts, Sept. 24.
The award was launched by Michigans Department of Environmental Quality in response to Gov. Jennifer Granholms Executive Directive: "Promotion of Green Chemistry for Sustainable Economic Development and Protection of Public Health." This directive established state policy encouraging the research, development and implementation of sustainable chemistry in Michigan.
Nominations for the award must illustrate how the innovation supports Michigans growth, economy, environment and health – and fit within one or more of the following focus areas: Greener Synthetic Pathways; Greener Reaction Conditions; Design or Implementation of Greener Chemicals and Materials; and Design, Implementation or Advocacy of Greener Processes. Categories for nominations include Business, Academic, Public and Student.
Spinetoram, the winning entry from Dow AgroSciences in the business category, is an insecticide derived through the fermentation of a natural soil organism followed by chemical modification. It has the environmental profile of a biological product combined with the efficacy of synthetic technologies:
• Controls a broad spectrum of insect pests in a wide variety of crops and is applied at lower rates than many conventional insecticides,
• Has a very favorable toxicological profile as it relates to mammals, birds and aquatic organisms,
• Has low impact to most beneficial insects, providing a fit with Integrated Pest Management programs, and
• Mode of action makes it a fit for resistance management programs.
While research efforts to discover and develop
spinetoram were conducted at locations around the world, research required to develop an efficient manufacturing process was conducted entirely in Michigan. Dows Harbor Beach, Mich., facility, which participated in research and pilot plant studies, is now the sole producer of the starting materials for all spinetoram sold in the world today.
"This type of innovation is essential as we try to increase agricultures productivity in order to help feed the growing world population," says Jim Dripps, Ph.D., global biology team leader, Dow AgroSciences. "Our customers in the apple market told us that they needed something effective against their No. 1 enemy – the codling moth – in a way that left a softer footprint on the environment than the choices they currently had."
Spinetoram sold under the brand name Delegate WG insecticide is registered for use to control pests on a range of crops that account for 78% ($2.6 billion) of the total value of crops produced in Michigan in 2007.