Oct. 21, 2009

Wheat producers have a new solution to tackle tough-to-handle weeds with the registration of new Rimfire Max from Bayer CropScience.
Rimfire Max, a post-emergence herbicide, contains two active ingredients to provide superior control of the toughest problem grass and broadleaf weeds in spring wheat. Rimfire Max delivers broad-spectrum control of more than 30 tough-to-handle weeds including ACC-ase resistant wild oats, bromus species and Persian darnel.
"The business of weed control options has become a challenging game for wheat growers who depend on effective products to protect the value of their crop," says John McGregor, Bayer CropScience product manager for cereal herbicides. "As they experience new challenges with weed spectrums changing, growers need to re-evaluate their herbicide programs. Rimfire Max brings the control of tough weeds other herbicides miss."
New Rimfire Max provides superior control of wild oats (including ACC-ase resistant biotypes), and other tough weeds like Japanese brome, cheat and Persian darnel. And for one-pass control, Rimfire Max is compatible with many broadleaf tankmix partners including Huskie(r) herbicide to expand the range of weed control.
Applied to actively growing spring wheat - from emergence up to flag leaf emergence - Rimfire Max continues to hold back new weed flushes with its in-season residual activity. Bayer CropScience recommends that growers apply Rimfire Max at 3 ounces per acre when grass weeds are in the one-leaf to two-tiller stage and before broadleaf weeds are larger than two inches in height.
Rimfire Max also has excellent rotational flexibility including a 10-month rotation to 12 key crops, including sugarbeets.
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