New seed varieties that will be available for the first time in 2016.
New canola from Cargill
VICTORY V-Class V12-3
This is the first specialty canola hybrid to combine clubroot resistance with multi-genic blackleg resistance. V12-3 has very good early season vigour and great yield potential with excellent stand ability. V12-3 matured a half day earlier and yielded 103 per cent of check 45H29 in first year co-op trials (all zones) 2014. V12-3 is part of the Cargill Specialty Canola Program.
NorthStar Genetics
NSC Watson RR2Y
This line is exceptionally early with a CHU of 2225 or relative maturity of 0007. It has shown to have exceptional early season vigor and very good bottom pod height which makes for much easier and quicker harvesting. It has a relatively tall stature and forms abundant cluster pods. Many pods having 4 or even 5 seeds. This line will be significant as it sets a new standard for maturity.
NSC Gladstone RR2Y
This line was introduced last year, but was limited due to seed availability. It will be available on a wide-scale this year. It has a CHU requirement of 2375 or relative maturity of 004. This line has an extremely aggressive growth habit forming a very branchy plant. Therefore it is well suited for wider row spacing (20 inches and greater) commonly found on modern planters. If it is solid seeded with an air seeder (12 inch row spacing or less) a lower seed rate is recommended (180,000 to 190,000 seeds per acre) in order to allow it to fill out properly. In demonstration plots, it has shown to be a top yielder under a wide range of environmental conditions.
New canola from Proven Seed
PV 533 G
PV 533 G is a new, high-yielding mid-season Genuity Roundup Ready hybrid. PV 533 G provides growers excellent standability plus a blackleg resistance package that is exhibiting high resistance, even by R rating standards.
PV 580 GC
PV 580 GC is the first true multigenic clubroot resistant variety available. As a new tool in clubroot management stewardship, PV 580 GC is a mid-season Genuity Roundup Ready hybrid that offers an alternative genetic package. It is part of a sustainable clubroot management approach for existing and high risk clubroot fields, allowing growers to protect their valuable canola rotations and yields.
PV 200 CL
PV 200 CL is the newest high-yielding Clearfield hybrid from Proven Seed and has a world class standability rating. PV 200 CL offers strong resistance to blackleg and fusarium wilt while bringing in high yields and profits for canola growers.
XCEED X122 CL is the newest canola quality Brassica juncea bred by Proven Seed specifically for the brown and dark brown soil zones to better tolerate heat and drought for consistent performance, reduced green seed, improved seed quality and higher yield potential. X122 CL is a Clearfield hybrid with world class standability plus improved pod shatter resistance for better straight-cut performance.
New cereals from Proven Seed
CDC Titanium
CDC Titanium is the first midge tolerant CWRS from Proven Seed and has the highest fusarium resistance rating of all available midge tolerant varieties. Provides growers an excellent and flexible choice that resists lodging, allowing for maximum yield potential. CDC Titanium delivers excellent resistance to strip rust and FHB.
5605HR CL
5605HR CL offers the next step in Clearfield wheat with high yields, heavy bushel weights and an easy weed management. It is an ideal CWRS variety where complex field conditions and crop rotation challenges exist. 5605HR CL offers a strong disease package including FHB resistance.
CDC Fortitude
CDC Fortitude is the first solid stem and sawfly-resistant CWAD variety, resulting in successful harvest results. An intermediate to moderate resistance rating for FHB plus strong standability makes CDC Fortitude an excellent option for high fertility or irrigation acres in the durum growing regions of the Prairies.
New soybeans from NorthStar Genetics
NSC Watson RR2Y
This line is exceptionally early with a CHU of 2225 or relative maturity of 0007. It has shown to have exceptional early season vigor and very good bottom pod height which makes for much easier and quicker harvesting. It has a relatively tall stature and forms abundant cluster pods. Many pods have four or even five seeds. This line sets a new standard for maturity.
NSC Gladstone RR2Y
This line was introduced last year, but was limited due to seed availability. It will be available on a wide-scale this year. It has a CHU requirement of 2375 or relative maturity of 004. This line has an extremely aggressive growth habit forming a very branchy plant. Therefore it is well suited for wider row spacing (20 inches and greater) commonly found on modern planters. If solid seeded with an air seeder (12 inch row spacing or less) a lower seed rate is recommended (180,000 to 190,000 seeds per acre) to allow it to fill out properly. In demonstration plots, it has shown to be a top yielder under a wide range of environmental conditions.