Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Colombia approves STK's Timorex Gold biofungicide for coffee and maizeqrcode

Jun. 9, 2015

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Jun. 9, 2015

Israel  Israel

Israeli biopesticide company The Stockton Group (STK) obtained last May from the Colombian Agricultural Institute -ICA. an extension of the use of its product, Timorex Gold, for rust control (Hemileia vastatrix) in the cultivation of coffee, and for the control of tar spot disease (Phyllchora maydis) in maize.
Stockton Colombia has already launched the product Timorex Gold in various field operations and had the opportunity to train more than 100 growers and agronomists of the Mild Coffee Company Huila (MCCH), exporter of specialty coffee, as well as independent producers gathered at the Café 1810 Farm in Pitalito, the producers' cooperative of high-altitude coffee in Buesaco Nariño, and numerous technical assistants and farmers in the South of Huila (Pitalito, Acevedo, Palestina, etc.) and Nariño.
"The Stockton Group has developed several studies with the biofungicide Timorex Gold in various coffee-growing countries to control different coffee diseases, and the product proved to be exceptionally effective compared to products available on the market," commented Jose Antonio Estevez, Stockton Group Manager in Colombia. "In addition to controlling pathogens, Timorex Gold induces the formation of new tissue strengthening the plant. Colombian coffee has a new tool for controlling rust in coffee that does not affect crop flowering and does not create stress in the plant. Timorex Gold is a natural broad spectrum fungicide, friendly to the environment and to those using it.”
In the coming days, Stockton Colombia will be presenting the product in Antioquia (Jardin, Anserma and Andes) and other coffee districts in the country. Additionally, STK will be conducting field days in Altillanura, El Ariari y Valle del Cauca to present Timorex Gold’s advantages in the control of disease in maize, an important crop being developed in these areas of the country.
Stockton will continue to provide technical training in the use, management and advantages of Timorex Gold, till it has covered the seven regions of the country (Antioquia, Caldas, Cauca, Cundinamarca, Huila, Nariño and Santander).

Source: STK Group


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