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PHC signs second Innatus™ 3G evaluation agreementqrcode

Jun. 4, 2015

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Jun. 4, 2015
Plant Health Care, a leading provider of novel patent-protected biological products to global agriculture markets, recently  announced that it has signed an agreement with a second major industry player regarding the evaluation of its Innatus™ 3G peptide platform. 

This technology enables the design, screening and production of a large pipeline of peptides with diverse bio-stimulant properties. The peptides can provide improved yields, pest and disease resistance, and protection against abiotic stress in a wide range of crops.  Peptides can be combined with conventional crop protection chemicals in seed treatment and foliar applications, making them highly complementary to existing practices.

Paul Schmidt, CEO of Plant Health Care, commented, "Our goal was to sign at least two evaluation agreements for our Innatus™ 3G peptide platform this year and we have accomplished that within the first five months. We are targeting the largest players and these agreements reflect the potential value they see in our platform. Our dialogue with other major players is on-going."


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