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Stockton’s Timorex Gold® biofungicide obtains registration in Koreaqrcode

Feb. 26, 2015

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Feb. 26, 2015

Israel  Israel

The Stockton Group has announced that Korea’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency has approved Timorex Gold for greenhouse and outdoor use on a variety of fruits and vegetables. In conjunction with the approval, Stockton has also entered into a distribution agreement Atlatech Ltd., a trusty leader in agriculture in the industry, to distribute Timorex Gold in the relevant crops in Korea.
Timorex Gold was approved for application in cucumber, strawberry, pumpkin, red pepper and rice and will give growers enhanced protection from a broad spectrum of foliar diseases in greenhouse, organic or conventional farming. Diseases in greenhouse vegetables and floriculture crops can be managed effectively with Timorex Gold. This natural fungicide will provide more reliable preventive and curative plant disease control while minimizing chemical load. 
 “Atlatech aims to provide its customers with eco-friendly solutions for crop management, explained CM Kim, Founder & Chairman of Atlatech Ltd. Atlatech feels content with this new agreement with Stockton for Timorex Gold distribution in Korea.  With Timorex Gold in our product portfolio, this marks another key milestone in our efforts to bring comprehensive innovation solutions to the agricultural sector.”
“Collaborating with Atlatech Ltd. effectively opens another interesting opportunity for Timorex Gold to reach new horizons in this very important target market”, said Ziv Tirosh, CEO of Stockton Group. “We believe that Atlatech’s expertise and experience in crop protection bio-solutions, will set another important milestone for Timorex Gold in this fast growing sector with public concern on food safety and human health. This agreement is very meaningful due to the continued growth of the high value crops in Korea which is expected to continue in the next years”. 
Timorex Gold can be used as part of an integrated disease management program to reduce the risk of pathogens developing resistance to traditional chemical based fungicides. It may be used in tank mixes, in program rotation and as a stand-alone product.


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