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Do’s and Don’ts of applying Gowan’s Avadex Granulesqrcode

Sep. 18, 2014

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Sep. 18, 2014
With the unprecedented high demand for Avadex Excel 15G (tri-allate) as an integral part of a successful black-grass control programme, it is important that both experienced users as well as the many new users appreciate the critical do’s and don’ts for its application.
Dr. Dominic Lamb of Gowan says Avadex has become an essential part of any weed control programme, but it is not “the magic bullet. It should not be used alone. It improves the performance of the herbicide stack, which most farmers acknowledge is needed for good grass-weed control. It also needs to be applied correctly at the right time by well calibrated machinery and there are a few important do’s and don’ts you need to know.”
“It is best positioned as the starter herbicide and so do apply it pre-emergence. It forms a chemical barrier through which germinating weeds grow. Weeds absorb the chemical and are controlled. Avadex de-waxes and sensitises black-grass and other weeds, boosting the overall efficacy of the herbicide programme.”
Dr Lamb says that black-grass control needs to be based around a tri-allate and 240 gm/ha flufenacet programme. “I have seen trials where Avadex has been followed by flufenacet or flufenacet followed by Avadex or both applied at the same time and results have been no different. Nor I have seen any crop effects from any of these combinations.”
He advises however that particular attention must be paid to seedbeds and drilling depth. “Do apply Avadex to well-prepared moist seedbeds. Very cloddy seedbeds should be avoided and loose and puffy seedbeds consolidated before drilling. Avadex needs some moisture to be activated. Drilling depth is crucial so do make sure that drilling depth is correct - for wheat, triticale and rye this is 4 cms and for barley 2.5 to 4 cms.”
When it comes to application, Rob Foxall of SCS Spreader and Sprayer Testing Ltd says that the applicator must be fit for purpose. “You need to calibrate the machine to make sure that the granules are being spread correctly at the right dose and pattern.”
He acknowledges that there will be many new users of Avadex this year and many who may have used it in the past. “Some machines may not have been out of the barn for a while. Even a new machine may not be set up correctly for Avadex Granules. So it is well worth making sure that the granules are being applied accurately by calibrating your applicator. Look at the spread pattern and make sure it is even. Make sure the outlets are at the same height and angle. If the machine is not set up correctly, you will see stripes of uncontrolled weeds across the field.”
A simple piece of advice from Rob is to make sure that there are no parts missing or parts that have seized up.  “It is also important to check that there is sufficient power to produce enough air to blow the granules out of the central hopper.  Check the applicator pipework and deflector plates regularly. Keep deflector plates clean and at the right angle.”
Dominic Lamb says don’t apply Avadex in strong winds as this disrupts the spread pattern and don’t consolidate after application as you may alter drilling depth. “The label also says do not apply to soils with more than 10% organic matter (as is the case with all residuals), do not under sow with grass species (as they will be controlled by Avadex) and do not sow oats or grass crops within one year of applying Avadex.”
“Emphasising the do’s and don’ts of applying Avadex may be teaching grandfathers to suck eggs, but it is alarming how many machines are not calibrated regularly. If they are not, it is asking far too much of the chemical.”
He concludes by saying that Avadex is a key component in any black-grass control programme. “Tri-allate is known to work in a different way to almost all other cereal graminicides and is once again finding a key position in many weed control programmes, its robust performance proven with over 50 years of use in the UK.”


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