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Nufarm releases Anuew turf growth regulator and Last Call herbicideqrcode

Feb. 25, 2014

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Feb. 25, 2014
Category:Plant growth regulators
Last Call™
Nufarm recently announced the launch of Anuew™ Turf Growth Regulator(prohexadione calcium), approved for use on ornamental lawns, golf courses and athletic turf surfaces. Anuew is a proprietary tool for cool- and warm-season turf management.
The active ingredient in Anuew is prohexadione calcium, a new active ingredient with a novel mode of action. Anuew can be applied to all managed turf areas including golf greens, tees, fairways and roughs, residential and commercial lawns, sod farms, sports fields and similar areas.

"Anuew is only available from Nufarm for the U.S. turf market. It reduces turf growth and thus the frequency of mowing. It's a low use-rate product that is available in convenient, easy-to-use packaging." said Richard (Rick) Fletcher, Technical Services Manager for Nufarm Turf and Ornamentals.

Nufarm also introduced Last Call™ herbicide, a premium, selective herbicide that is used in cool-season turf weed management. It is a post-emergent product that contains a proprietary formulation of fenoxaprop, fluroxypyr and dicamba. Last Call is exclusively available from Nufarm.
"Last Call provides strong, effective control of crabgrass, especially in the mid-tiller stage of growth where quinclorac-based herbicides are less effective," said Fletcher, Technical Services Manager for Nufarm Turf and Ornamentals.. "In addition, the systemic activity of Last Call means that it is particularly effective in controlling perennial weeds, because the product translocates to parts of the plant where it was not applied originally." 
Other key benefits of Last Call include:
•Controls a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds including dandelions, clover and lespedeza
•Can also be used for the removal of bermudagrass from cool-season turf
•Can be applied to all managed turf areas including golf fairways and roughs, residential and commercial lawns, sod farms, sports fields and similar areas.
"Only Nufarm has developed and now provides this proprietary formulation of these three active ingredients for the U.S. turf market," said Fletcher.
Last Call is labeled for use on most managed turf areas including residential and commercial turf, golf fairways and roughs, sports turf and sod farms.


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